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When nature calls
You’ll inevitably need to know what to do when ‘nature calls’ while camping in the great outdoors.
Tips for when nature calls while camping
When staying outdoors overnight, the following tips will help you to manage human waste:
Toilet paper and human waste should be buried at least 15cm in the ground and at least 100 metres from any watercourse, bog, bore, dam or spring and not on private land.
Portable toilets must be located 50 metres from any watercourse, bog, bore, dam or spring.
Soaps and detergents must be used 50 metres from any watercourse, bog, bore, dam or spring.
Anything that is not biodegradable should be taken out with you. This includes wet wipes and other sanitary products.
For camping groups spending more than one night, it’s recommended to create a bush toilet. This requires digging one large deep hole, and cover with a portable toilet seat. Each person uses the hole and covers their waste with a small amount of soil. When the hole has 30 cm left to the surface, fill with remaining dirt and create a new bush toilet.
Alternatively, use portable toilets and then dispose of the contents appropriately.
Never dump the portable toilet contents in the bush, as the chemicals are not biodegradable and will have a negative impact on river health.
Waste disposal on licensed Crown water frontage
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning have supplied a summary of the rules for waste disposal on designated Crown water frontage campsites – the waste rules are listed below:
• Portable toilets must be at least 50 metres from the waterway (and not on private property).
• If not disposed of in a portable toilet, human waste and toilet paper must be buried more than 100 metres from the waterway (and not on private property).
• All rubbish and belongings must be taken with you on departure.