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Setting up camp
Camping is one of the best ways to experience the Australian bush and finding the right campsite can greatly improve your experience.
Tips to find the perfect campsite
Here are some ways to help you find the perfect campsite whilst doing the right thing by our great outdoors:
A flat campsite at least 20 metres away from the waterway in an elevated position. In some areas, you may be able to find a location that has an established campsite, rather than creating a new spot.
At least 200 metres away from any house/dwelling or farm equipment and don’t interfere with these in any manner.
When you are using soap or detergent make sure you are at least 50 metres from the waterway.
A maximum of 14 nights stay in any campsite.
Do not clear shrub or vegetation to create a new campsite, this includes creating new tracks or roads.
Look up for overhanging branches. Camping under large trees can be dangerous as they can unexpectedly drop branches at any time.
Keep a reasonable distance from other campers, so that everyone can enjoy their own space in the great outdoors.
Ensure that you’re not likely to be camping in a location that may have interactions with farm animals. This includes setting up camp in a spot that might block animals from water.
Camping on licensed Crown water frontage
There are different regulations for camping on licensed and unlicensed Crown water frontage. You can find out if you’re on a licensed Crown water frontage by using the MapShare website.
The Land Act 1958 was recently amended by the Victorian Government to allow camping on certain Victorian river frontages. These changes apply to Crown land where a licence has been granted to the adjoining landowner for grazing. Designated camping sites on licensed areas will be assessed as suitable for camping and opened by the State Government.
The Victorian Government have begun to open suitable, designated licensed Crown water frontage sites for camping. The designated sites are listed on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website.
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning have supplied a summary of the rules for camping on designated Crown water frontage campsites which can be viewed in the table below.
- Camping permitted only in designated areas
- No camping within 20 metres of the waterway
- No camping within 200 metres of any nearby residence
- Maximum stay 14 nights.
- Portable toilets must be at least 50 metres from the waterway (and not on private property)
- If not disposed of in a portable toilet, human waste and toilet paper must be buried more than 100 metres from the waterway (and not on private property)
- All rubbish and belongings must be taken with you on departure.
- Campfires may be permitted in some designated areas – check the details of each area for campfire rules
- Firewood collection is prohibited
- No cutting, felling, picking, damaging or destroying of vegetation, whether alive or dead.
- No dogs allowed
- Do not enter or cross private land without permission
- Leave any gate as found
- Do not interfere with or disturb livestock.